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university of new south wales
With the theme of Australian watersport culture as its core, this visual identity and merchandise project aims to support a mission to bring back life and popularity of a student watersports club that was in need of a fresh start and injection of new vibrant energy from new members.

The story
it's about the fun of discovering and learning new sports together
In an Australian university known for its strong international culture, UNSW Windsurfing, Surfing and Sailing Club have died and arisen from time to time since the 90s due to club management that relies mostly on short-term exchange students. After a turmoil time in 2015 which left the club with fewer members, the club's new committees were determined to bring back fun and life to this club through a brand new image.
"can you make this graph more interesting?" - Client, literally every day -
Unlike other sports club that leans more towards the competitive side, UNSW WSSC focuses more on building a sense of community through teamwork and learning. It's about making fond memories, it's about enthusiasm and fiery passion for discovering and learning a new sport and more importantly, it's about having fun. I used these beautiful values as the core of the visual identity, weaved with the visuals that represent Australian watersports life culture.
the idea

The sky
The Sea
The Sun
The Wind
The construction of the colour palette is based on the visual experience of four natural elements present in watersports culture; the sky, the sea, the sun and the wind. Together, the combination also represent the colour palette of Australia's East Coast landscape.

The main typeface Yiggivoo was chosen due to its highly curvy and flowing nature, a characteristic which resembles the shape of rolling waves and watersport boards.
graphic device: the ripple
The inspiration behind this decorative graphic device is the constant ripples seen on the surface of the salt lake and ocean water where most of the club activities take place. This natural pattern which inevitably present in the surrounding of watersport activity becomes a simple yet appropriate addition to the visual identity.

One of the main strength of this visual identity is the use of fun and clever illustrations for promotional materials such as poster, brochure and t-shirt. The illustrations I created are always inspired by things the club members commonly encounter and experience during their times in exploring the coast of Australia such as encountering sharks, dolphins and whales at the surf or the club's inventory consisting various watersport gears.


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